A monster. . .KILL IT.
hihi welcome to humanpart !

my name is bree. this website is actually not brought to you by me but instead by the love of my life. ive been on the internet for a very really long time and have always loved cool personal shit like this. i used to obsess over cool tumblr pages but never got around to actually learning how to make something of my own. then one day princess showed me his website and introduced me to neocities and i fell in love! unfortunately i still havent learned how and instead begged him to make it for me :D ! so after a while of looming over his shoulder and telling him what to put where and him asking me what i want and me being like i dunno and him typing code and blah blah blah here we are! one day ill get around to at least being able to update stuff myself. none of the pictures on this site are mine except these two drawings on this page !